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moving/still (2021)

As the sequel to still/moving, this piece continues to traverse the movement–stillness spectrum through a series of poses. Performed on an urban street, moving/still acknowledges the present humanitarian crisis while challenging the constraints imposed by authoritarian regimes. 


Following the practices of John Cage and Merce Cunningham, the visual and audio elements of the work were created and recorded independently of one another, and chance procedures (using the I Ching and alphabetical sequencing) informed initial choreographic choices.

moving/still has been screened at New Creation Dance Studio in Auroville, PECDA (Prakriti Excellence in Contemporary Dance Awards) in Bangalore, The Wrong Biennale/Laugh, and Re-Fest. A live version of moving/still has been performed at at the Museum of Art and Photography as part of Buoyant.


Choreography and filming: Dayita Nereyeth 

Performance: Ainesh Madan 

Sound: Mario Schenker

Guest performers: People of Eagle Street


Special thanks to Maureen Gonsalves.

10 minutes, digital

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